ZingMes Privacy Policy

Date of Last Revision: March 3 , 2024

Welcome to ZingMe ("Platform"or "ZingMe").The

Platform is provided and controlled by ZingMe WorldLimited ("we" or "us"). We are committed to protectingand respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy (Policy") covers the experience we provide for usersage 18 and over on our Platform. For informationabout our under-18 experience ("Children's Platform"),please refer to Privacy Policy forYounger Users. The Policy was written in English (US).To the extentany translated version of this agreement conflicts withthe English version, the English version controls.

The full legal bit

We know that other people's use of your personaldata is a big concern for social network users, so wehave developed this Policy to let you know how weprocess your personal information ("personal data”or"personal information"). We suggest you read it inconjunction with our Terms and Conditions of Use(the"Terms"). When you access or use ZingMe, youagree to our Policy and you consent to our collection,storage, use and disclosure of your personal

information as we've set out in this Policy.

ZingMe reserves the right to change our Policy at anytime, so be sure to check this Policy regularly tounderstand how we use your information.

By installing, using,registering to or otherwiseaccessing the services, you agree to this privacypolicy and give an explicit and informed consent tothe processing of your personal data in accordancewith this Policy.


The Summary

lf you clicked through to here from our Terms andConditions of Use. You should read this Policy

because it will tell you exactly how your personal datais being looked after by ZingMe and that's a pretty

important thing for you to know. Here are the topicsthat we cover:

I. What information do we collect1. How we use your information. How we share your informationlV.Your rights

V. Data storageVI.Security

VI. Cookies and other technologiesV. Children

IX.Disclaimerx. Contact

l. What information do we collect

We collect information when you create an accountand use the Platform. We also collect information youshare with us from third-party social network

providers, and technical and behavioral informationabout your use of the Platform. We also collectinformation contained in the messages you sendthrough our Platform. More information about thecategories and sources of information is providedbelow.

lnformation you choose to provide

For certain activities, such as when you register,upload content to the Platform, make broadcast orcontact us directly, you may provide some or all ofthe following information:

· Registration information, such as age, usernameand password, language, email or phone number,andsocial media account

. Profile information, such as name, social mediaaccount information(including your nickname as itsappears on your social media profile, your user lDand your profile image),and profile image

. User-generated content, including comments,photographs, and virtual item videos that you chooseto upload or broadcast on the Platform ("User


. Payment information, such as PayPal or other third-party payment information (where required for the

purpose of payment,we will not retain and collectyour credit card name,number or security number)

. Transaction information, such as such as

transaction records and history, date, items, amounts. Your opt-in choices and communication preferences-Information to verify an account

Information in correspondence you send to us

. Information you share through surveys or yourparticipation in challenges, sweepstakes, or contestssuch as your gender, age, likeness, and preferences.For safety and security and to ensure you have thebest possible user experience, we require users toverify their accounts (because we want to make sureyou are not a robot!) and might ask for your phonenumber or Facebook Account. Don't worry! This isonly to make sure you are real and breathing! Wewon't use your phone number for marketing


Information we collect when you use

Once you have created a Profile and used ZingMe, youmay choose to edit your gender, birthday and otherinformation,however,please note that these are notrequired and you have a choice.We may collectinformation related to when and how you used ourServices.The collected information includes your IP,device information (model, system, MCC), timezone.And we also collect information about mobile

operators, network information (5G\4G\3G\WIFI).That information helps us identify your physicallocation so that you can use "nearby" function tocheck other users and moments.

When you use our Service, your position, microphoneand phone camera shall be used upon your explicitauthorization, the certain log file information shall beuploaded by yourself.All such information allows formore accurate reporting and improvement of theService.

lf you contact our Customer Support team via

Feedback contact@ ZingMeus.com. We will receive youremail address,and may track your lP address as wellas the information you send to us to help resolve yourquery. We will keep records of our communications

with you, including any complaints that we receivefrom you about other users (and from other usersabout you).

lnformation we obtain from other sources

We may receive the information described in thisPrivacy Policy from other sources, such as:

Social Media. if you choose to link or sign up usingyour social network Google or Apple, we may collect informationfrom these social media services, including yourinformation of profile photo, username, gender,birthday, age for our services,if you authorize andconsent us to do so.

Third-Party Services. We may collect informationabout you from third-party services, such as

advertising partners, payment partners and analyticsproviders.However,please note that this Policy doesnot and will not extend, which shall be subject to therespective third-party's privacy policies.

l. How we use your information

We will use your information to fulfill and enforce ourTerms and Conditions of Use, to improve our

Platform and customize your ad experience, we mayuse your information that we received to:

1. help you efficiently access your information afteryou sign in;

2. remember information so you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit theService;

3. provide personalized content and information toyou and others, which could include customizedcontent, online ads or other forms of marketing;4.provide, improve, test, and monitor the

effectiveness of our Service;

5. develop and test new products and features;

6.monitor metrics such as total number of visitors,traffic,and demographic patterns;

7.diagnose or fix technology problems, to fulfill

requests for products, services,Platform functionality,support and information for internal operations,

including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing,research, statistical,and survey purposes and tosolicit your feedback;

8.help us detect abuse, fraud,and illegal activity onthe Platform, such as anti-money laundering and anti-financing terrorism;

9.ensure that you are old enough to use the Platform(as required by law);

10.may use material that you post on the open

access areas of ZingMe in advertising and promotionalmaterials on our partner sites and partner products;11.combine all the information we collect or receiveabout you for any of the foregoing purposes;

12. for any other purposes disclosed to you at thetime we collect your information or pursuant to yourconsent.

13. We may share aggregated information with suchparties as Facebook that includes your personalinformation (but which doesn't identify you directly),

together with other information including log data withthird parties for industry analysis and demographic

profiling and to deliver targeted advertising aboutother products and services.

. How we share your information

We are committed to maintaining your trust andpersonal information safety, we will not provide,

disclose or share your personal information to or withany third parties unless we have obtained your

consent or such provision, disclosure or sharing ofpersonal information is permitted under applicablelaws.

Service Providers and Business Partners

ln cases where you use the services of our businesspartner or services provided by service providers,wemay share the categories of personal informationlisted above with service providers and businesspartners to help us perform business operations andfor business purposes, including research, paymentprocessing and transaction fulfillment, databasemaintenance, administering contests and specialoffers, technology services, deliveries, email

deployment,advertising, analytics, measurement,data storage and hosting, disaster recovery, searchengine optimization, marketing, and data processing.For the User Content collected by us, which may useas advertising material through third party

companies. lf you have concerns about it, pleasecontact us via hasratkhan0101998@gmail.com.

Within Our Corporate Group

We may share your information with a parent,

subsidiary, or other affiliate of our corporate group forbetter service.We will take measures to have ourgroup companies with which the personal informationis shared comply with this Policy.

Succession of business

lf there is any transaction between companiespertaining to our business to which this Policy isapplicable, such as acquisition, merger or change ofbusiness entity, personal information may also betransferred to the successor of the business to theextent permitted under applicable laws.

For Legal Reasons

We will cooperate with all third parties to enforce theirintellectual property or other rights and we will alsocooperate with law enforcement enquiries from withinor outside your country of residence. So we maydisclose your information to respond to subpoenas,court orders, legal process, law enforcement

requests, legal claims, or government inquiries, andto protect and defend the rights,interests, safety, andsecurity of ZingMe, the Platform, our affiliates, users,or the public believe that disclosure We may alsoshare your information to enforce any terms

applicable to the Platform, to exercise or defend anylegal claims, and comply with any applicable law inour discretion.

With Your Consent

We may share information for other purposespursuant to your consent or with your furtherdirection.

lf you access third-party services, such as Apple,Google, to login to the Platformor to share information about your usage on the

Platform with others, these third-party services maybe able to collect information about you, includinginformation about your activity on the Platform,

together with other information including log data withthird parties for industry analysis and demographic

profiling and to deliver targeted advertising aboutother products and services and they may notify yourconnections on the third-party services about youruse of the Platform, in accordance with their privacypolicies.

To ensure you get to meet as many people aspossible on ZingMe, other users will have chance tocheck your information you post on Profile. lf youchoose to engage in public activities on the Platform,You should be cautious to disclose personal

information while engaging. We are not responsiblefor the information you choose to submit.Any

information you choose to provide should reflect howmuch you want other ZingMe users to know about you.And you should be aware that any information youshare may be read, collected, or used by other users.

IV.Your Rights

To the extent permitted under applicable laws,

regarding your personal information that we process,you have the right to access, the right to rectification,

the right to erasure, the right to restriction of

processing, the right to withdrawal of your consent,the right to data portability, the right to confirm if weprocess any personal information of yours,and theright to request a review of any automated decisionsthat may be made as a result of the processing. And,we will not discriminate against you for exercising anyrights.However, please note that you just have onechance to change your gender information if youprovided it.

lf you wish to exercise your right against us to

process your personal information, correct or deleteyour personal information that is contrary to facts,notify you of the purpose of use of your personal

information, or other rights permitted under applicablelaws, you may contact us via hasratkhan0101998@gmail.com

After verification of your identity, we will respond toyour request within a reasonable period of time, andin accordance with relevant laws.lf, however,

permitted under applicable laws, we may not be ableto respond to your request when any of the followingapplies:

. is likely to harm the life,body,property,or other rightsor interests of yours or another individual/user;

·is likely yo seriously impede the proper execution ofour business;

- is likely to violate other laws and regulations;. when you failed to verify your identity; or

. we are otherwise permitted under applicable laws torefuse your request.

lf you no longer wish to use ZingMe or if you withdrawyour consent to ZingMes processing of your personalinformation which is necessary for us to provideMICO, you may choose to delete your entire ZingMe'saccount by the following steps:

·Open ZingMe

- Tap Settings>DeleteAccount

Please note that deleting your account is an

irreversible process,which we can't revert even if youperform it by accident.

However,the withdrawal of your consent will not inany way affect the lawfulness of our processing ofyour Personal Data based on your consent that wasgiven before the foregoing withdrawal.

V. Data Storage

ZingMe is a global social app operating through

servers located in a number of countries around theworld, including the United States.In providing ourServices, we may store your personal information

outside the country or region where you reside. Whenthat happens, we will take measures to ensure your

personal information is processing and storageaccording to the applicable laws.Meanwhile, we willretain the foregoing information for a minimum

period,we may automatically delete from our serveror continue to retain personal information in a formatin which individuals cannot be identified after thelapse of the storage period prescribed pursuant toapplicable laws and our internal rules.

vI. Security

How does ZingMe protect your personalinformation?

ZingMe has implemented reasonable and appropriatesecurity measures to protect and prevent the loss,misuse, and alteration of the information under ourcontrol, including your personal information. ZingMeuses reasonable security measures to safeguard theconfidentiality of your personal information such as

secured servers using firewalls.Our technical expertsat ZingMe work hard to ensure your secure use of oursite.

While we take reasonable precautions againstpossible security breaches of our application,

member database and records no website or Internettransmission is completely secure and we cannotguarantee that unauthorised access, hacking, dataloss, or other breaches will never occur. We urge youto take steps to keep your personal information safe(including your password) and to log out of youraccount after use.

We cannot guarantee the security of your personaldata while it is being transmitted to our site and anytransmission is at your own risk.Once we havereceived your information we have procedures andsecurity features in place to try to prevent

unauthorised access.

How do you keep your information secure?

You may not disclose your password to any thirdparties or share it with any third parties. lf you loseyour password or give it out,your personal

information may be compromised. If that happens,please report it to Support via Feedback. You mustchange your password immediately via your

"“Settings" page. ZingMe cannot be held responsible foryour failure to keep your password secure and failureto do so may violate our Terms and Conditions ofUse.

VI.Cookies and other technologies

Cookies and other technologies

To make the application work effectively, we

sometimes place small data files called cookies onyour device.Most application's developer do this.Acookies is a small text file that application saveswhen you visit the site. It enable the application toremember your actions and preferences, designed toimproved use experience.

You can control whether or not to accept cookiesbased on settings or by using other tools. If,however,you deactivate cookies or limit the ability to set

cookies, you may not be able to obtain the full benefitof our services or access all of its functions, whichmay limit your overall user experience.

Other technologies

We may install modules of other companies in the ZingMe to analyze how the service and product havebeen used or provided.With regard to your personalinformation that is processed by a third-party througha module provided by such third party, the privacypolicy of such third party will aplly and we alsoencourage you review it(if any).

VII. Children

You represent and warrant that you have the rightcapacity and legal capacity required for using ZingMe.The Platform otherwise is not directed to childrenunder the age of 18. In certain cases this age may bedifferent due to local regulatory requirements, pleasesee your local privacy policy for more information. lfwe become aware that personal information hasbeen collected on the Platform from a person underthe age of 18 we will delete this information and

terminate the person's account. lf you believe that wehave collected information from a child under the ageof 18 on the Platform, please contact us at

hasratkhan0101998@gmail.com. We will deactivate the relevantAccount(s) and will take reasonable measures to

promptly delete such Personal Data from our records.IX. Disclaimer

You can use our instant message function, whichallows you to communicate with other users of ZingMe.But we recommend and encourage you (and all ourusers) to consider carefully about the disclosedinformation of other users . We also do not

recommend that you put email addresses, URLs,instant messaging details, phone numbers, fullnames , addresses, credit card details, nationalidentity numbers or drivers' licence details and othersensitive information in your Profile ,which is open toabuse and misuse.

Moreover, please be careful to post sensitive detailsabout yourself on you Profile such as your religiousdenomination and health details. While you mayvoluntarily provide this information to us when you

create your Profile, including your sexual preferencesand ethnic background, there is no obligation to doso. Please remember that any photographs or videoclips that you post on ZingMe may reveal these kindsof sensitive personal data.When you upload andpost these sensitive information about yourself, youare explicitly consenting to our processing of your

information. And you will at your own risk to do this, ifyou post anything which is inconsistent with our

Terms and Conditions of Use, we reserve the right todisable your account.

lIX. Contact

Questions, comments and requests regarding thispolicy should be addressed to hasratkhan0101998@gmail.com.


Privacy Policy for Younger Users

Last updated: March 3, 2024

ZingMe World Limited("ZingMe", "we" or "us") is

committed to protecting the privacy of children.ThisPrivacy Policy for Younger Users explains our

information collection practices with respect toinformation provided by users under the age of18("Younger Users" or "you").

Technically, we do not provide our service to YoungerUsers under the age of 18, as for purpose of

protecting children, we, hereby release this Policy. lfyou are a minor under the age of 18, you should readand agree to this privacy policy under the supervisionand guidance of your parents or other guardiansbefore using and related services.

We protect the personal information of minors inaccordance with relevant national laws andregulations, and will only collect, use, share ordisclose the personal information of minors if it isnecessary for the legal permission, parents or otherguardians' express consent or protection of minors.

What information do we collect from

Younger Users?

When a Younger User registers for ZingMe, we collectonly limited information, including username,

password, and birthday.

We may also collect certain information automaticallyfrom the user's device, including internet or other

network activity information such as device ID,IP

address, web browser type and version,country-levellocation,as well as certain app activity data.

How do we use the information we collect?

We use the information we collect to provide andsupport our services. For example, we use usernameand password to authenticate Younger Users.

we may use the information to protect the security orintegrity of the user and our service; perform

analytics and troubleshoot; and ensure legal orregulatory compliance.

The information collected will not be used for any

commercial purposes (Incluaing ouo  charedadvertising and marketing) and will not be Shared

with third parties for any commercial purposes.

Younger Users cannot publicly share personalinformation, including videos or profile information.

How do we share the information we


We may disclose personal information if permitted orrequired by law (i) in response to a court order or asubpoena; (ii) in response to a law enforcement orpublic agency's (including schools or children

services) request; (ili) if we believe disclosure mayprevent the instigation of a crime, facilitate aninvestigation related to public safety or protect thesafety of Younger Users using our sites or

applications; (iv) to protect the security or integrity ofour sites, applications, and other technology, as wellas the technology of our service providers; or (v)enable us to take precautions against liability.The security of your information

We take steps to ensure that your information istreated securely and in accordance with this policy.Unfortunately, the transmission of information via theinternet is not completely secure.Although we will doour best to protect your information, for example, byencryption, we cannot guarantee the security of yourinformation transmitted through the Platform; anytransmission is at your own risk.

We will not sell the information of Younger Users tothird parties.


You may submit a request to access or delete theinformation we have collected about you by sendingyour request to us via email. We will respond to yourrequest consistent with applicable law and subject toproper verification.And we do not discriminate basedon the exercise of any privacy rights that you mighthave.


We will generally notify all users of any materialchanges to this policy, through a notice on theplatform. However, users should look at this policyregularly to check for any changes. We will alsoupdate the "Last Updated" date at the top of this

policy, which reflects the effective date of such policy.Contact

Questions, comments and requests regarding thispolicy should be addressed to:

Email Address: hasratkhan0101998@gmail.com